• SeedlistingRead more

    • What is a seed test

      • The purpose of a seed test is to let you monitor where your emails fall, into the Inbox or the Spam folder, by sending them to a seed list to pinpoint email issues before sending them to your audience. There is a misconception that your audience will receive the email as long as the email address exists.

      • Common reasons for your email to land in the spam/junk folder are a low domain/IP reputation, blocklists, risky content, and broken authentication. With a seed test, senders can pre-test a campaign or add the seed list in their regular lists to monitor where messages will land by major inbox providers such as Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL many more.

      • EmailConsul provides you with the information you need to make the right changes to your campaigns, such as inbox placement, IP and domain information, header information, and authentication information.

    • What is a seed list

      • A seed list is a list of test email addresses that helps you monitor their placement. The lists contain test addresses at major providers such as Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, and so much more.

      • When you send a test campaign to the seed list generated in your account, you can monitor where your emails will land when sent. If you see any inbox placement issues, you can dig further into the information EmailConsul provides to fix as many problems as you can before sending your email to your audience.

    • Email seed list challenges

        • Engagement and Inbox Placement
          • Major ISPs take into account engagement for inbox placement instead of spam words or authentication only. As time passes, inbox filtering tools will get even more sophisticated and complex. This means that seed test inbox placements are among the many factors from which you can make changes.

          • Seed tests are not a perfect measurement and do not represent a complete picture of how successful an email campaign can be. Seed tests are an indicator to inbox placement. These emails are not to be used to warm up your domain or IP reputation; as seed lists are test accounts, there is no engagement associated with them. Their purpose is to let you know where they received the email: in the inbox, the spam/junk folder, or not received at all.

    • How to do a seed test

      • Within your account, under the seed listing tab, click on “Start new seed listing.” Start by naming your test so that it can be recognizable to you in the future.

      • Three check types are available to you to ensure that you can easily add the seed listing emails to your email marketing tool:

        • Catch with email address
        • Catch with a tag
        • Catch with a CC address
      • Once you have named your seed listing test and have selected the check type, you must choose the mailbox providers you would like to test. We suggest you analyze your current audience to see which mailbox providers your audience uses. Click on the checkboxes on the right to select a mailbox provider and drag the slider to the number of emails you would like to test. Once you are ready, click on the “Create” button.

        • Catch with email address
          • To identify your email seed campaign within EmailConsul, we provide a catch email address, which will be unique for each specific seed test you create. You must send to this catch email address along with the rest of the emails our system gives you so we can accurately tie your results back.

          • If you have chosen this option for your seed listing test, you will be given a catch email address and a list of seed listing emails. You can add all these seed listing addresses as a separate list or segment by downloading the CSV file provided by EmailConsul, which will include the catch email address or copy-pasting each email address in your email marketing tool.

        • Catch with a tag
          • To identify your email seed campaign, we use a tag, which is unique for a specific seed test you create. You must add the tag into your HTML code before you send a seed test campaign. You must use this tag so we could accurately tie your results back. The tag can be added as text in your campaign, in an alt-tag, or even hidden in your email <header> or <body>.

          • If you have chosen this option for your seed listing test you will be given a tag (eg:<div style="height:0px;opacity:0;">[econsulsid]####CODE###[/econsulsid]</div>) and a list of seed listing addresses. You can easily copy this tag and paste it anywhere within your email. You will also be given a list of seed listing emails that can be added as a separate list or segment by downloading the CSV file provided by EmailConsul.

        • Catch with a CC address
          • To identify your email seed campaign, we use a CC email address, which is unique for a specific seed test you create. You must include the CC email address and put it into the CC email field before sending a seed test. You must use this CC email with each seed email address to accurately tie your results back. This is an easy option for those who might not be using email marketing software.

        • Seedlist Results
          • Seed listing results can be found by clicking on the seed listing name. At the top, you will find an easy graph separated by each mailbox provider chosen while creating your seed listing test. In green, you will find the number of emails that landed in the inbox. In red, you will see the number of emails that landed in the junk or spam folder. You would also be able to share the seed listing results by clicking on the “Generate Shareable link”

          • Right below, you will see detailed information about each email received by any of the seed listing addresses. You will see the seed listing email addresses, the time the ESPs sent the email, and the time it was received. You will also see the from address, subject line along the IP used to send the email. By clicking on any of the rows you will be brought to a page with further granular information.

      • On this page you can see in the table:

        • Headers
          • The information in the header includes such things as the recipient, the sender, a subject line with the option of sending copies to additional recipients, plus other technical headers that can be added by the sending/recipient mail transfer agent.

        • HTML
          • The system will provide you with the HTML code version for your email content.

        • IP Info
          • The system will grab the IP used to send the email and check it against the major blacklist providers.

        • Domain DNSBL
          • The system will grab the Domain used to send the email and check it against the major blacklist providers.

        • Spamassassin
          • The SpamAssassin filter will verify your content and alert you in case you have any issues to fix.

        • Authentication
          • The system will analyze your SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records and will tell you if they are good or not.

  • IP and Domain Monitoring and ReputationRead more

      • EmailConsul allows you to monitor the health of your IPs and Domains with postmaster tools and blocklist monitoring.

    • How to monitor your IPs

      • Within this tab, EmailConsul allows you to see the rDNS of each IP and to monitor if your IPs are on any blocklists. EmailConsul offers three ways for you to add IPs to your account:

        • Single IP
          • In order to use the single IP option, click on “Add IP’s” and “Single IP”. Type or paste your IP into the field and click on Save. If you have a small number of IPs to add, click on the “Add IP” button. New fields will appear in order to allow you to paste a different IP in each field.

        • Netmask
          • In order to use the Netmask Option, click on “Add IP’s” and “Netmask”. Type or paste your 32-bit mask into the field. Click “save” to add the netmask.

        • Import CSV
          • In order to use the Import CSV Option”, click on “Add IP’s” and “Import CSV”. You can drag and drop or upload you CSV file with all your IPs. Please ensure there is only one column with the list of your IPs and the column is named “IP”. Please note the CSV file can only contain IPs, no netmasks.

    • How to monitor your domains

      • Within this tab, EmailConsul allows you to see the reverse IP of each domain and to monitor if any of your domains are on blocklists. Email Consul offers two ways for you to add domains to your account:

        • Single Domain
          • In order to use the single domain option, click on “Add Domain” and “Single domain”. Type or paste your domain into the field and click on Save. If you have a small number of domains to add, click on the “Add Domain” button. New fields will appear in order to allow you to paste a different domain in each field.

        • Import CSV
          • In order to use the Import CSV Option”, click on “Add Domain’s” and “Import CSV”. You can drag and drop or upload you CSV file with all your domains. Please ensure there is only one column with the list of your IPs and the column is named “IP”.

    • Which Blocklists does EmailConsul monitor

      • EmailConsul checks against 106 major blocklist hosts. This helps us monitor your reputation and ensures you can quickly take action when issues arise. If you need any help contacting the abuse desk of specific blocklist, contact us and we will help you mitigate the situation.

  • Google postmasterRead more

    • What are postmaster tools?

      • Postmaster Tools are used to analyze your email performance and your reputation. By looking at the data and statistics given to you by any postmaster tool, you will be able to monitor and analyze your email performance in order to ensure your emails are landing in the right place, the inbox.

    • How to connect to Google Postmaster?

      • Google Postmaster is a tool that requires you to have a domain (that you own) and access to your DNS panel in order to make any necessary changes. Once this is connected, Google will be able to give the necessary information for you to track your email strategy and domain reputation. Accessing and making changes to your DNS panel, may seem difficult or techy, but all you need to do is select the right option from a drop-down and copy-paste. Everyone can do it and if you ever get stuck contact our support team here. It would make us happy to help you.

        1. Go to postmaster.google.com
        2. Log in with your current Gmail/Gsuite account or create a new one
        3. Click on the “+” button on the bottom right
        4. A pop-up will appear. Add your domain here and click on next
        5. Google postmaster offers you two different ways to connect your domain. A TXT record and a CNAME
        6. In your DNS panel click on “add record”. You will see a drop-down with several options which include TXT & CNAME, a “host” field, and a “points to” field.

          Note: In some DNS panel the host field requires you to write the domain (eg 123123abc.yourdomain.com) and others do not (eg: 123123abc)

        7. If you select TXT record you will be given one record. This means you need to add “@” or “yourdomain.com” in your host field. You can copy from Google Postmaster the record and paste it in the “points to” field. Save the record and publish it if necessary for it to propagate.
        8. Go back to google postmaster and click validate. We suggest waiting 5-10 minutes between step 7 and 8. If it does not validate, but you believe you did it correctly the issue may be that the records have not been propagated yet. You can close your Google Postmaster page and validate at a later time. Once a domain is added to Google Postmaster, it will remain there until you validate it or delete it.

          Note: If you do not validate the domain or your volume to Google is not big enough, Google Postmaster will not track and store data.

        • How to connect Google Postmaster to EmailConsul?
          • Once your domain is validated with Google Postmaster, click on the vertical three dots. Two options will appear “Manage users” and “Delete”.

          • Click on “Manage users” and the “+” sign will appear on the bottom right. Click and add “[email protected]” as a user.

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