Seedlisting integration

API link: Swagger UI

  1. First, you must get an API key (see Creating an API key )

  2. To create a new Seedlisting test you need to get all available hosts for Seedlisting by querying GET /user_billing_plan/general/plan. From this query, you’ll get the list of all available hosts for Seedlisting along with how many email checks can be used for each host. Keep in mind that you can create Seedlisting where you check various numbers of emails per host up to max_emails_per_iteration value from this query.

  3. Create Seedlisting by querying POST /seedlisting. Here in the hosts field you can set an array of desired hosts from the query above along with emails_per_iteration that must be up to max_emails_per_iteration. check_type can be TAG , H_TO or REF. See Seedlisting`s User Guide to learn more about check types

  4. In the response you’ll get the Seedlisting info along with all related emails. Sometimes you can have too many emails in one Seedlisting and it might be tedious for the user to copy/paste every email from UI to the email box list to send. In this case, you can use API GET /seedlisting/{id}/export_emails that returns you a CSV le with all emails for Seedlisting, that user can just copy/paste in one movement.

    On your backend, you can pipe this query to the user request, on account of this query returns data in chunks.

  5. All other queries in the Seedlisting section in the swagger API should be pretty straightforward, but nevertheless if you have any questions related to any API please contact support.

But for now, let's focus on Seedlisting statuses that reveal the Seedlisting life cycle.

Seedlisting can have the following statuses:

  • INIT - when Seedlisting has been created but related Seedlisting emails have not been created yet. Usually, this status for Seedlisting stays not more than a couple of seconds.

  • ACTIVE - indicates that Seedlisting is still waiting for emails. Seedlisting can be ACTIVE no more than 96 hours, even if related emails have not been received yet. Keep in mind, that after Seedlisting has been created with all related Seedlisting emails, there is no way to get back credits that were used for this Seedlisting. That being said if 96 hours passes and some or even all emails have not been received, Seedlisting status will be set to DONE and no used credits will be returned to the user.

  • DONE - Seedlisting stops receiving emails. Seedlisting can be set to DONE status if all emails have been received or 96 hours passed since Seedlisting was created. If any emails for this Seedlisting are not received then they will be ignored. There is no way to return back Seedlisting from DONE to ACTIVE

  • FAILED - if something goes wrong. Equals to DONE

  • TERMINATED - indicates that the user stopped Seedlisting process by himself. There is no way to return back Seedlisting from TERMINATED to ACTIVE

Keep in mind that even if Seedlisting status is DONE, it does not mean that all processes related to the Seedlisting are done. You have to rely on status and processing_status fields in every email (see emails field in seedlisting)

status in every email can have the following values:

  • WAITING - indicates that the email has not been received yet

  • INBOX - fell into inbox

  • SPAM - fell into spam

  • NOT_RECEIVED - email has not been received and will not be, due to the Seedlisting timeout is over, or Seedlisting is terminated or failed.

processing_status in every email can have the following values:

  • WAITING - indicates that the email has not been processed yet

  • STATS_PASSED - email has been received, you can see the email status (INBOX or SPAM), but the stats in Seedlisting (see stats field in Seedlisting) has not counted this email yet.

  • DONE - email has been fully processed.

NOTE: processing_status will be frozen in WAITING for good if an email status is NOT_RECEIVED

Therefore, you have to rely on Seedlisting status field along with status and processing_status in all related emails. If all are DONE then Seedlisting is fully processed and Seedlisting is populated with all necessary data like dkim , dmarc , form , ips , spf and all necessary data for emails. All this information populates throughout processing.